Category: Flip Mino

Flip Video Camera Review

Recently, I was introduced to the Flip Video Camcorder by a friend who videoed me doing a cooking lesson. The Flip was impressive; particularly in its ease of operation and its convenient compact size. I was still a little skeptical about the ease to edit video.  After searching online for all the information about the Flip and reading the reviews, I decided to purchase the Flip Mino HD. I chose this model because it has a rechargeable lithium battery and 60 minutes recording time, which was perfect for recording my cooking videos. I’m limited to a maximum of 10 minutes for videos I upload to, so 60 minutes is more than enough.

After the first time videoing I fell in love with it. The FlipShare software is already loaded in the camera and once downloaded to the computer you can view your video, edit and even create a movie with music and titles. Snapshots can be generated just by a click on a video clip.  Sharing a video with others and a direct upload to MySpace and YouTube is so simple and quick.

Filming entails just aiming through the viewfinder, pressing a large red button and you’re on. You stop by pressing the same red button. You can review your project on the camera viewfinder. To download to your computer, a USB arm is built in the camera and plugs right into your computer. There are no extra cords to deal with. Everything is all inside this tiny, convenient little camera. Once convinced that the FlipShare would easily enable me to post a video of myself preparing a recipe on my Blog, I was sold!

The Flip comes in many models and colors and is inexpensive relative to other camcorders on the market.

It is so convenient to carry around in your purse or pocket as it is so compact. An added accessory piece, a tripod, came with the camera as a bonus. The picture quality and audio are excellent due to the HD feature and built in microphone.

While I prepare the recipes which I want to share with others, my husband, George, operates the camera. He was a little dubious about being my videographer at first, however, after just one try with the Flip he has perfected the technique and is doing a great job filming my cooking videos. The quick and helpful technical support I received from Flip was outstanding also!

All the videos here on my Blog and also on my YouTube channel were made with the Flip. As you can see, I’ve flipped over my Flip!

Get The Flip Mino here with Free Shipping!